Noticeably satisfied customers should be the most willing to leave a review. Show them the QR code and say “Online reviews are a direct reflection of our efforts and help our business greatly, can you scan this and leave us a 5 star review? If you can tell someone is in distress and unhappy, do not ask for a public review, find the root of the problem ;)
When the QR code is scanned it will go right to the Were You Happy review link created by Tier Level.
Happy customer?
They can select the little happy face which gives them the option to leave a Public Google Review.
Not a happy customer?
They can select the little sad face which directs them to a private form that will go to you with NO option for a Public Google Review.
What you get:
- 1 WYH link
What you get:
- 1 WYH link
- 1 QR code
- 30 Min training session
What you get:
- 1 WYH link
- 1 QR code
- 30 Min training session
- 1000 Review cards a year
WHERE can you utilize a QR code?
- Stickers
- Review Cards
- Business Cards
- Flyers
how to get my team Onboard?
Work together! Roll out a determined review strategy and involve anyone that will be taking on the role of getting reviews. A review can help build credibility as well as your crews confidence when mentioned by name.
After you get the review.
Thank them by name, show your appreciation & don’t forget manners. Make that person a return customer!
What if the customer doesn't have a qr code compatible phone?
If the customer does not have a phone compatible with QR codes, have the link on hand ready to text or email as a follow up!
should i offer Incentives?
Make it fun! Hold a contest or give a monetary incentive to promote some competition. Another option is to provide the incentive on the customer side.